Sunday, November 9, 2014

24 Years of this Journey

Wow, it is almost 24 years to the day that Andy and I began building his art career full-time. We both knew that one day we would both end up not working 'jobs' and together, we would attempt this venture, it just happened a little bit earlier than we thought.

So, at that time, we took the leap with the thought that we could always go back to 'jobs' if we fell flat on our faces. Or, if we had dry times we both agreed we would go and flip burgers for awhile. It is so hard to believe 24 years have passed. There have been bumps in our professional road, some good, some not. But with every bump, we have learned a thing or two about art and business.

I am ready to see where this road brings us during the next years. With Andy always learning how to be a better artist and myself learning to be better on the business side, it should be quite interesting.


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